Welcome to Demcor Inc., a story defined by values, vision, and a profound commitment to sustainable excellence. Nestled in Newport, Tennessee, our small business has grown into a beacon of innovation in pallet manufacturing and recycling. With a relentless pursuit of quality and an unwavering dedication to eco-conscious practices, we've cultivated a legacy that resonates with clients and partners alike. Join us on a voyage through our history, our ethos, and the aspirations that guide us as we shape a future where business and sustainability harmonize seamlessly.

Our company history.

(click dots and arrows to see milestones)

the start of a greener future.

In 2011, Demcor Inc Pallet manufacturing and Recycling business was founded in Morristown, TN. With a commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency, the company quickly established itself as a leader in the pallet industry. Over the years, Demcor Inc has expanded its operations, investing in state-of-the-art machinery and developing innovative recycling techniques to reduce waste and promote a greener future.

Expansion and relocation

In a strategic move towards expansion and enhancing operational efficiency, Demcor Inc.  acquired a new plant and made the momentous decision to relocate its operations to Newport, TN. This transition marks an exciting chapter in the company's journey, poised to bring about increased growth and opportunities for both Demcor Inc and the local community.

A New Era in Newport, TN

In a transformative move, Demcor Inc acquired a second plant in Newport, TN, signaling a significant milestone in the company's growth strategy. This strategic decision involves dividing the new pallet business and the recycled operations into two distinct facilities.

increasing efficiency and acquiring growth

To optimize its transportation operations and ensure seamless support for the dynamic activities of Demcor Inc's pallet manufacturing and recycling facilities, Demcor Transport Corp emerged as a strategic addition to the company's portfolio. This new venture was conceived with a vision to enhance efficiency, streamline logistics, and fortify the interconnectivity of Demcor Inc's diverse business segments.

In the same year, Demcor bought Lakeway Pallet. The acquisition of Lakeway Pallet business not only bolstered Demcor Inc's market presence but also brought a wealth of expertise and a longstanding reputation for quality and reliability to the company. By maintaining separate facilities for pallet manufacturing and recycling operations, Demcor Inc aims to streamline its processes, enhance efficiency, and cater to the unique demands of its diverse customer base.

demonstrating excellence

Demcor's Accolades and certifications

about us

Built on passion and ingenuity

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green solutions for  shipping and logistics.

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